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Monday, May 20, 2013

What Does It Mean to Be "Man Fully Alive"?

Hey Guys. For my last blog post, we are going to examine what it means to be "Man Fully Alive". "Man Fully Alive" is a complex term. It means that a person is fully living through the grace of God in their day to day activities, and devoting their life to prayer, and doing so in the Glory of God himself. Does this mean that the person living as "Man Fully Alive" cannot sin? No! He is totally open to concupiscence as we are but he recognizes when he has fallen to sin and takes the right steps to prevent it from happening again. As man fully alive the person knows that he is open and that is why he devotes himself to prayer and a life of living for God's Glory, for that is the true meaning of "Man Fully Alive". In this year of theology I have learned all of this through the teachings of Mr. Cole.  

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Man Fully Alive

Throughout this year we have all grown to know Mr. Cole better than we did on the first day of school, or for me the fourth day of school. I am sure we have all picked up on his favorite phrases such as goodness, good stuff, or man fully alive, or his favorite tendencies such as pushing on his computer monitor or drawing crazy diagrams on the board. Today I want to take a more indepth look at one of Mr. Cole's favorite phrases, man fully alive. What does it mean to be man full alive? It means to be a person who is in the complete graces of god, a person who devtes their life to Chirst through prayer and by living as a man for others. I am not saying that man fully alive do not sin, we all sin it is part of human nature because of the fall because of concupiscence, but a man fully alive sees his flaws is truly sorry prays for forgiveness and goes to confession to be absolved of those sins. A man fully alive understands he will fall sometimes but understands that it hows you react or bounce back from failure that defines who you are instead of failure itself. If you have lived your life as man fully alive at the time of judgement you will be singing praises as the gates of heaven open up to let you in. I think what I have taken most from sophomore year theology and Mr. Cole himself this year is try and live your life as man fully alive and when you fall which will happen make sure you get up dust yourself off and respond in the correct way so that at the time of judgement God will be calling your name to come into his kingdom forever.