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Sunday, April 14, 2013


Lately, as the school year comes to a close, I have been finding myself and my colleagues to be slacking quite a bit. Our motivation is running low, we find ourselves showing up to class in the morning more because we have no choice, and less for the securement of our future. In Catholicism, this is one of the 7 deadly sins, known as Sloth. In other words, being lazy.

Laziness, when present, can be the haymaker in the wrestling match we know as ordinary life. Spiritually, it is the first domino that falls setting off a endless trail of sin. Why? Simply because when you become lazy, it starts off as " Eh, I'll do my homework in the class before its due" and progresses to  "I can afford a few 0's in the grade book" to finally " I really just do not care about studying, Battlefield sounds pretty nice right now." Spiritually, it numbs what I call the thirst. The thirst is the instinct engraved into everyone's soul at conception to seek out and find/praise/be with God, and when one gives up on making their way to God, well that is no bueno.

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