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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Holy Week

The Risen Christ Approaches!
This Sunday, March 31st is Easter Sunday! The day our lord Christ Rises from his grave to redeem and save mankind. 
Easter, along with Christmas, and other days of Holy Obligation where the Church is packed with "Jack Catholics" ( Catholics who only show up to the most important Celebrations) pack the Church. Another name for these type of Catholics lacking in Faith is "Cafeteria Catholics", those who pick and choose which Church teachings they wish to follow. Sadly, I'll admit that I am a little of each of these, so I cannot go on a rant on how bad it is or how much of a sinner  a person is for being one.   But there is always Hope to redeem ourselves! The Lenten Season --soon to come to a end-- is a great time for a spiritual change. Often, sacrificing or "giving up" something for God during lent is always a great faith builder for me. Lent is a call to Holiness, a call for preparation for what is to come. This is what Christ time in the desert was focused on. Just as we prepare ourselves for Easter, Christ was preparing himself for his death on the Cross. And just as the Apostles rejoice we they discover that their Lord has risen, so shall we!

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