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Sunday, April 7, 2013

Death and After

Lately, My grandmother has been fighting sickness. Despite the title of this post, no she is not dead... But it brings me back to just about a year ago ( February 6, 2012) when my late grandfather passed away. It brought to mind some questions I had and you may have. Much like myself, many people question upon their relatives death, is he in heaven now?, is he waiting to be judged?, even there a line to be judged?

Well I cannot give you a firm answer, I have never been to heaven, nor to receive visions, or expect to go there anytime soon and return with a answer. But I can say, upon the death of any human, the soul parts from  its body and is immediately judged by God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. His judgement is fair, and eternal. One may ask, well what would get you sent to hell? There are so many answers to this question, but to simplify it, when one fully rejects God.  Now, Purgatory.. just as no one knows what Heaven or Hell looks like, nor can we describe purgatory. I have heard many ideas of it, some scarier than others, but a young nun whom I studied under in 8th grade put it in a heart-sinking but best describing way, she said " it is similar to hell, except in hell, there is no hope for the damned soul, but in purgatory, there's hope for the soul, it may be cleansed and sent to heaven, and I presume it can reject God and be sent to Hell." We can assume the duration of penance spent in purgatory is in proportion to the sins committed by the soul, and even the most holiest of holy people pass through purgatory for we are all sinners.

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