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Sunday, April 7, 2013

Heaven and Hell

Heaven...well what is Heaven?
As a little kid, you might have imagined it as the perfect world, sitting upon the clouds, with a big Gold Gate sitting at the entrance, and a huge line to get in. Again, no one walking on this world knows the answer to what it is like. Some may claim to have seen visions, and even the Church may confirm them, but no biological being of today can accurately describe it. But as a Catholic we know for a fact that once we are there, we are in perfect union with God, destined for eternal happiness and peace. As a biblical reference often you can search revelations:

 Revelation 21:4 He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”

Hell is pretty much the exact opposite of Heaven. Happiness is nonexistent,  for when God crafted the soul, he crafted it to seek and crave him. Hell is the furthest thing away from God. If Heaven and Hell were planets ( and the Universe had a actual endpoint) they would be and two opposite corners of each other. There, the soul suffers with Satan in eternal damnation, to never be pleased in any spiritual or physical way, and forced to suffer the emptiness of the void they still seek to fill, to only be filled by God. 

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