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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Reflection to Video (Ronald Davis)

When Watching this video I began to realize my own prejudices against the homeless. Although, I realize not all of them are drug addicts, alcoholics, or substance abusers, I find myself judging them with the stereotype that they are. Deep down I realize that not all of them are, but I find it harder and harder to see the truth in people. Christ says to clothe the poor, and to feed the sick and hungry, to shelter the homeless, and to not neglect the needy, but in moderns times, it has become so hard to tell the difference between the needy, and the desperate.

I know how good it makes me feel when I help out someone in need. A few weeks ago, I was at my local gas station, right off highway 59, a young man, no older than 25 approached me very shyly with a gas can, he said " excuse me sir, I don't mean to bother or provoke you, but my friend and I...our car ran out of gas, could you lend me a few dollars?" Startled by the situation, I studied him for a moment, he either was honest, or a very good liar, so I gave him 3 dollars, almost enough to buy a gallon of gasoline, told him good luck, and he left. After filling my tank, I decided to test this mans honesty. I parked up front, where I could get a good view of everything, and waited. The young man, solicited a couple other people, and gained some extra money, he had a hand full of ones in his hand. He then walked past me, into the gas station, and to my surprise, actually put the money on the pump. He and his friend filled their tank as fullest as money would allow, and were on their way. I was pretty satisfied with myself, having actually helping the needy, who was actually in need.

After watching the video however, I also realize how cruel people can be, and how humiliating (regardless of how desperate you are) begging can be. I never ridicule people because they cannot afford something, but I am prejudice against people for what I can only assume they have done. I believe that is what prevents us from helping more people like Ronald Davis. Not because we have extreme prejudice against the poor, but because we are judging the book by its cover. While the interview shows what the book has to say....

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