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Monday, April 29, 2013


Hey guys. Today I’m going to talk about how the sacraments correspond to human life. Some sources that I used to research this information are as follows: ( Thomas Aquinas says that the seven sacraments, Baptism, Reconciliation, The Eucharist, Confirmation, Holy Orders, Marriage, and Anointing of the sick, all corresponds to a part of human life. Baptism is our outward sign of washing and corresponds to infancy and the cleansing of that which is bad. Reconciliation corresponds to, agian, to cleansing and the washing away of sin. The Eucharist corresponds to our human and spiritual nourishment and as John 6:56 says,"My flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed.” But it is much more than a food item we eat at mass. It is the heavenly nourishment that is our key to salvation. Confirmation is the sign of maturity in the church, and signifies our adulthood in the church. Holy Orders is the sign of the few who have been called to the service and shows another sign of maturity in the church. Marriage, again, is another sign of maturity by accepting what God has bound in two flesh to be bound in one flesh. Finally anointing of the sick signifies the process from life to death and signifies that we are no longer materially able to hold on and are ready to receive our judgement and our not scared of our fate because of this preparation. Thanks guys for listening. Bye

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