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Sunday, April 28, 2013

The A's B's and C's of the Liturgal Celebration

So in Mass this morning I noticed how next to the readings,in the hymnal, it has a letter identify its version as A, B, and C. It got me curious, I just thought the readings were set at the beginning of each year, not that there were three different versions to follow depending on the year. I google searched it, and this is what I learned.

What we are reading is the lectionary, and it is on a cycle that rotates once a year, with three different variations. I never noticed this before but in year A, we usually hear the Gospel on the account of Matthew, B is Mark, and C is Luke. Now, yes I have left out John. Why? Because we listen to him during the season of lent. Currently, I believe we are in year B. There isn't really anything significant about it I have learned ( so far) other than that its so one, we don't have to hear the same thing over and over again, year after year, and two its so we get different accounts of the same idea, and I am assuming it helps us to better piece together Christ's message. Anyways.. Thats All I got.

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